Last night we had our first offical “mini meeting” which was the first in-person club meeting since the lockdown. It went well and we will be doing more. Unfortunately I didn’t get any photos, but I’m sharing the agenda here since there were web links that might be useful to those who attended.
In addition to welcoming Anthony May, John Ellison and Clint Young to the club, we were joined by Gian Young who brought along some fine examples of ARFs, and Ian Cole and Geoff Haynes who brought their years of experience. Thank you all, it was great fun!
RTF, BNF, PNP (PNF), ARF, Kit, Plans, Design and Build
HMAC Rules, Field, off field
Fire safety
Range checks and failsafe test
Prop safety https://holdfastmac.asn.au/remove-that-prop/
Electric safety – Safetag, charging, storage, prop removal, assume the prop can always start
https://holdfastmac.asn.au/electric-safety-review/ https://holdfastmac.asn.au/battery-safety/
Online sources
RCGroups.com www.rcgroups.com
RCM&E https://www.modelflying.co.uk
Model Airplane News https://www.modelairplanenews.com
RC Roundtable Podcast http://rcroundtable.com
Realflight 9.5 Simulator https://www.realflight.com https://holdfastmac.asn.au/simulators/
Associations and resources
Model Aeronautical Association of Australia https://www.maaa.asn.au
Model Aerosport SA https://www.masa.org.au
Holdfast Model Aero Club rules and regulations https://holdfastmac.asn.au/general-info/flying-rules-and-regulations/ https://holdfastmac.asn.au/documents/2018/05/guide-to-rc-flying.pdf/
Hobby Shops – HMAC is sponsored by Modelflight
Balsa Central https://www.balsacentral.com
Other clubs https://www.masa.org.au/clubs Indoor, Soaring, Scale, Helicopter, Drones
YouTube FliteTest, Micron Wings, Modelaircraft, RCRoundtable, SpektrumRC, TheRcSaylors