Instructor Roster

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Instructor roster for September-October
SEP 1FATHERS DAY No training
SEP 8Kingsley NeumannBryan Christie
SEP 15John JeffersonGraham Paterson
SEP 22Kingsley NeumannJohann van Wijk
SEP 29Bryan ChristieKirk Winters
OCT 6Kingsley NeumannPhil Norwood
OCT 13John JeffersonGraham Paterson
OCT 20Bryan ChristieKingsley Neumann
OCT 27Kirk WintersPhil Norwood

Please note that training is conditional upon weather conditions and COVID restrictions that limit our activities. Every effort will be made to notify instructors and regular students if training is cancelled on a given Sunday.

If you are unable to attend on your rostered day, please arrange a swap with another instructor if possible and notify the Webmaster (Steve Davies) of any change.

View current bookings

Our thanks go to those keen instructors who turn up even when they are not rostered on. Advanced Flying Training is available on request, so if you want to brush up your flying for a Wings test, please arrange a session with one of the Instructors. There are still a number of “Solo Only” flyers out there who could easily qualify for the Bronze or Silver Wings.

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