FPV Guidelines

Guidelines for First Person View (FPV) Flying at Holdfast Model Aero Club

(Last revision 23/8/2013)

  1. The new and developing interest in remotely controlled, camera equipped model aircraft has raised a number of questions among the model plane flying community and members of the public.
  2. The Holdfast Model Aero Club (HMAC) is an affiliated member of State and Federal associations (MASA and MAAA) who are charged with the responsibility of ensuring that our operations are compliant with the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) regulations. CASA is required to make sure that public safety is not compromised by any aviation related activity including the flying of model aeroplanes
  3. All model flying must be on a “see and be seen” basis so that the operator of model aircraft can avoid collisions with full size aircraft.
  4. HMAC, in accordance with MAAA policy, does not permit the flying of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) at the Trott Park Flying Field. Model planes are considered as UAV if they are operated commercially. MOP065 – Policy UAV’s
  5. Some models can be operated as FPV (First Person Visual) but only if operated strictly in accordance with MOP066. Basically this means that a safety pilot actually has control of the plane and is required to keep it under VISUAL control at all times. Models flown in this manner are basically of an experimental nature and do not fit in with our activities at HMAC but the Club does not have a firm policy (By-Law) at this time. MOP066 – First Person View
  6. Some model aircraft can be operated as SGMA (Self Guided Model Aircraft) but they are particularly sophisticated computer programmed operations (see MOP066), require Gold Wings rated operators and are unlikely to be seen at the Club Field.
  7. HMAC operates as a recreational Model Flying Club and is not involved in any commercial activities. We can teach Club Members to fly radio controlled fixed wing aircraft and we encourage the MAAA “Wings” system of achievement levels. Our Constitution requires us to coordinate and foster model aircraft construction and operation AND to affiliate with MASA and MAAA.
  8. If any of our Club Members go outside of the MAAA system and operate UAV, FPV or SGMA they are basically on their own and must satisfy CASA requirements to comply with all Civil Aviation Regulations (Federal Law).


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